Featured Eco Explorations


Buddha Cave Kayak Discovery

This tour combines the spectacular landscapes of both of the Nam Ou and mighty Mekong rivers and their surrounding areas with a visit to the renowned and holy Pak Ou Caves.

Jungle Trek & Kayak 1N/2D Discovery

Trek across rice paddies, farm land and jungle forest and experience the true natural beauty of Luang Prabang Province. Paddle on the magnificent Nam Ou River through a limestone valley, past remote villages.

Kuang Si Waterfalls Daytour

Explore the jungles of Luang Prabang to discover a remote mountain spring, the source of the Kuang Si falls and its turquoise waters & discover the rich cultural heritage of Lao’s ethnic minorities.

Northern Minorities Trek & Homestay

A 1N/2D experience trekking past rice paddies and farms and immersing yourselves deep into the ancient jungle while discovering the rich cultural heritage of Lao’s ethnic minorities. 

Pak Ou Mekong Cruise

The Pak Ou Caves are among the most revered holy sites in Laos! A river trip on the Mekong to this famous attraction near Luang Prabang offers a pleasant boat cruise that combines a visit of the culturally important caves with a superb day out amongst the fabulous riverside landscapes and local villages.

Trek & Cycle 1N/2D Remote Village Adventure

This trip combines cycling, trekking and boating in a scenic area along the Mekong. Experience local daily life and the unique culture of the local people.

8 Villages Cycling Adventure

This day tour combines cycling, trekking and boating in a beautiful rural area along the Mekong River where you will experience local daily life. Enjoy the chance to interact with people of various ethnic minorities before a short boat trip down the mighty Mekong.

Luang Prabang

Royal capital of the Lane Xang period, religious center with countless temples – old and new, saffron-robed monks, sacred caves, French colonial architecture, melting pot of numerous hill tribes, precious Buddhist art and intricate textile design, huge sweeping tamarind trees and lush gardens, culinary delights in cozy historical atmosphere, laid-back pace of life – these are some of the undeniable trademarks of Luang Prabang.

No doubt, this jewel of unparalleled beauty in the heart of Northern Laos invites for a longer stay than for just a quick rush-through. With good reason has this gem, nestled in deep tropical forest and spectacular limestone formations, been declared UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The province of Luang Prabang, is not less famed for its stunning landscape, dense forests, picturesque river systems, and colorful ethnic diversity. Nong Kiau and Muang Ngoi at the Nam Ou river are places of outstanding beauty that immediately jump into one’s mind. It is a rewarding destination for the traveler who is looking for great adventure, remoteness, unspoiled nature, and cultural authenticity.

Trekking, kayaking, cycling, rock climbing, community immersion are some of the highlights Luang Prabang has to offer. Multiple-day treks to the remotest places are rewarding as is the direct contact with people of the forest still deeply immersed in their distinct, centuries old traditions. It is, of course, mandatory for every visitor to meet these hospitable people with well suited sensitivity and respect!

Opportunities for Tourism and Conservation

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    Community-based tourism for conservation

    Close collaboration with local villagers as full partners at all levels not only retains their ownership in tourism destinations but also brings them substantial financial benefits in return for conserving nature.