Who are partners

Partners are people who share capital or collaborate in a field. In case travelers want to get information of hotels, restaurants, house rentals, taxi groups,…Partner function is created for organizations and individuals who want to cooperate. This function allows them to create new hotels, rentals,…depending on each website’s demand.

Now our website allows Partners to control information like an administrator and do not have any option to limit their permissions.

We have provided decentralization function by creating permission packages. Partners will buy them to have permissions limited in each package to control information.

Everyone can register as a partner and wait for administrator approved but now since Traveler version 2.0.2, normal user login the site can send a request to upgrade to Partner if they want. Administrator can see the upgrade notification in the dashboard.

Partner Options

1. General Options

Automatic approval: If you don’t want to approve after each partner registered, TURN ON this option. Theme will automatic approve the partner request.

Allow custom sort link for the partner: This option make the link URL on Partner is nicer.

  • TURN OFF this option your link URL: http://linkURL.com/page-user-setting/?sc=my-hotel
  • TURN ON this option, your link URL: http://linkURL.com/page-user-setting/my-hotel/
    Slug of the partner page: enter text to set slug of the partner page created, ex: page-user-settingShow email contact info: TURN ON this option if you want to show the Partner email information.

Content need approved by administrator: Partner’s Post must be approved by admin. If you want to limit permission of partners to post, TURN ON this option. All of the partner’s posts will be approved by admin.

Partner can set feature items: If you TURN ON this options, partner can set their product is Featured

Show avatar user in list services: TURN ON this option if you want to show Avatar for Partner on list service. 

Partner menubar: Currently when Partner login admin bar is hidden, if you want to show it, you can TURN ON this option.

Go to Traveler Setting > Partner Options > General Options

  • Site owner commission(%): This is option allow admin can request the commission on each bill, enter number commission you want.Percent: enter number percent that administrator can be received if the client cancels a bill. If you enter 30%, Admin will receive 30% cancellation fee.
  • Partner can enable external booking for service they want.

    2. Membership Options

    Go to Traveler Setting > Membership Page Options

    Member Packages Page: Select a page for member packages page

    Member Checkout Page: Select a checkout page for member packages

    Member Checkout Success Page: Select a checkout success page for member packages.

    Create page function for Membership

    Go to Page > Add new, then select the corresponding template you want

    3. Layout Dashboard

    Go to Traveler Setting > Partner Options > Layout Dashboard.

    Config partner profile info: TURN ON this options if you allow your Partner configure own profile.

  • Show total earning
  • Show each service earnings
  • Show chart info
  • Show booking history.
  • 4. Withdrawal Options

    Go to Traveler Setting > Partner Options > Withdrawal Options

    Allow request withdrawal: TURN OFF this option if you don’t allow Partner send request withdrawal.

    Minimum value requests when withdrawal: enter an amount of withdrawal value.

    Choose the date system to make transaction in month: enter the Day of the month you can send the money to Partner.


    Let’s enjoy a new feature of Traveler theme

    From Traveler version 1.4.0, we give you new solution for existing Partner function on the site, it is Membership feature. This feature will help Admin to control the number of services Partner that allowed to upload to the site, avoiding overloading if Partner uploads services indiscriminately.

    The main content of Membership will have the following here:

    • Admin to create Membership packages for Partner
    • After theme is updated to version 1.4.0, Membership feature will be updated to partner immediately, then they will receive a request to UPGRADE your account to continue using. If Partner does not update your account, it is like User Role.
    • After Partner has paid Membership package in the form of ONLINE payment, your account will be required to upgrade immediately and may be go into use immediately. But if they are paid in the form of SUBMIT FORM (offline), you have to wait for administrator’s approval (update of the payment status is COMPLETED).
    • In case you want to change Membership package, they must contact the administrator correctly to cancel your current package, then they can make a purchase new Membership Package

    Create a new package for Membership

    Go to Traveler Setting > Member Packages to add new Package and select service type for each package.

    Membership Options

    Go to Traveler Setting > Membership Page Options

    Member Packages Page: Select a page for member packages page

    Member Checkout Page: Select a checkout page for member packages

    Member Checkout Success Page: Select a checkout success page for member packages

    Create page function for Membership

    Go to Page > Add new, then select the corresponding template:

    There are 3 Template need to create on it:

  • Membership Package: this will show all current package on your site. Choose Member Packages to create this page
  • Membership Checkout page: this is check out page for Membership booking. Choose Member Checkout to build this page.
  • Membership Checkout success: this page will show Booking status after checkout. Choose Member checkout Success
  • How to update Partner

    After creating a new package and some function pages, go to Partner panel to see How Partner panel works. You can follow the video below for more details

    1. After log in, Partner will see the Pop-up that requires Upgrading the Membership Package.

    Select a Membership package

    Form of payment

    Currently, we only support four forms of payment including:

  • ONLINE: Paypal, Payfast, Paystripe
  • OFFLINE: submit form
  • Do not support form of payment in Woocommerce Booking
  • 2. Partners have to select one of all Packages for Member to continue using Partner Feature. If not, all the services on the left sidebar will be hidden,and Partner cannot work anymore.

    3. After submit form is completed or payment is successful , Partner will wait for Admin’s Approval (On the video above, you can see all the steps for approving new Partner). Then, partner will be receive an email as below.

    Partner page

    From Traveler version 2.0.2, Partners have their own page. It will display the partner information with all the post belong to them.

    Customer can click on partner avatar to view this page or using this custom link:

    https://travelerwp.com/author/[partner name]

    View demo:

    • Modern theme: https://mixmap.travelerwp.com/author/travelhotel/
    • Classic theme: https://travelerwp.com/author/admin/Also they can contact with partner by send an message at the message box side.